Excellence Certificate

Three Types of Excellence Certificate will be awarded

1. KMTI – Annual Performance Excellence Certificate

This certificate will be given to the category wise selected performance for nominations and winner students .

Name of the categoriesNominationWinner
Best script writing51
Best dance performance51
Best choreographer51
Best singer51
Best group performance51
Best back stage performance51
Best anchor51
Best creative thought51
Best performance51


2. KMTI – Year Wise Class Performance Excellence Certificate

Name of the categoriesNominationWinner
Best class performance51
Best class performer51
Best choreographer       51
Best script writer             51
Best Anchor51
Best musical performance51
Best back stage performance51
Best stage design            51
Best dance performance51

Students of all batches are requested to send complete video along with the description and name of the participant, to the KMTI – H.O. within 15 days from the event. Award will be given on our ANNUAL DAY every year.

3. KMTI ‘I Am The Best’ Excellence Certificate

This certificate will be given to the best three students of every batch for their creation on feedback forms. Award will be given at the time of class performance.

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